・Informed Consent in Epidemiologic Research before the Implementation of Ethical Guidelines
・Testing Psychometric Properties of the Standard Chinese Version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Core Questionnaire 30(EORTC QLQ-C30)
・Occupational Class and Exposure to Job Stressors among Employed Men and Women in Japan
・amily Caregiver Burden in the Context of the Long-Term Care Insurance System
・Strategies for Prevention and Management of Hypertension throughout Life
・Residential Proximity to High-Voltage Power Lines and Risk of Childhood Hematological Malignancies
・日本人の睡眠時間と死亡:Jichi Medical School コホート研究
・The Estimated Prevalence of Hypospadias in Hokkaido,Japan.
・Risk of Adverse Reproductive Outcomes Associated with Proximity to Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators with High Dioxin Emission Levels in Japan.
・Sequential Evaluation of the National Medical Expenditures for Asthma Care in Japan.
・Potential Errors Resulting from Sex and Age Difference in Assessing Family History of Coronary Heart Disease.
・Non-biochemical Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in General Clinic-based Rural Population of Bangladesh.
・日本の若手疫学者は疫学の未来に何を期待しているか? ~日本疫学会「疫学の未来を語る若手の会」メーリングリストにおける意識調査~
・Surveillance of Mortality among Atomic Bomb Survivors Living in the United States Using the National Death Index
・The Jichi Medical School (JMS) Cohort Study: Design, Baseline Data and Standardized Mortality Ratios.
・2型糖尿病の発症要因に関するケース・コントロール研究 ―身体活動を中心にして―
・日本人移民における中部脂肪と肥満 - 西洋食事パタンの影響
・Influence of Death from Circulatory Diseases on Life Expectancy at Birth in Japan
・Sexual Risk Behaviors of Male Current and Ex-opiate Users in Chiang Rai, Thailand
・Relationship between Serum Carotenoids and Hyperglycemia: a Population-based Cross-sectional Study
・Factors Related with Induced Abortion among Primigravid Women in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
・Association between Smoking Habits and Dopamine Receptor D2 TaqⅠA A2 Allele in Japanese Males: a Confirmatory Study
・Validation of Walking Questionnaire for Population-based Prospective Studies in Japan: Comparison with Pedometer
・日本の満期産における低アプガースコア児出生にかかわるリスク要因: 症例対照研究
・Job Strain Dose Not Relate to Morning Level Vanilmandelic Acid in Japanese Civil Servants
・A Survey of Skin Disease among Patients in an Australian Nursing Home