Studies in Japan
Post COVID-19 condition in hospitalized survivors after one year of infection during the Alpha- and Delta-variant dominant waves in Japan: COVID-19 Recovery Study II
(日本におけるアルファ株およびデルタ株流行期のCOVID-19罹患者の退院1年後の健康状態に関する多機関共同研究:COVID-19 Recovery Study Ⅱ)
Three-year seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein antibody among children, parental awareness, and contributors of infection: a single-school cohort study in Chiba, Japan
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on changes in tobacco use behaviour: A longitudinal cohort study in Japan
Changes in mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: descriptive analysis of national health statistics up to 2022
[Letter] Sentinel surveillance of COVID-19: the importance of epidemiologic concepts and reasoning
The Association between COVID-19-Related Discrimination and Probable Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Patients with COVID-19 in Sapporo, Japan
Changes in the utilization of outpatient and visiting dental care and per-attendance care cost by age groups during COVID-19 pandemic waves in Japan: A time-series analysis from LIFE study
(日本における新型コロナウイルス流行下での外来受診・訪問診療別の歯科受診および1回受診当たりの歯科医療費の変化:LIFE studyデータを用いた時系列分析)
Development and validation of claims-based algorithms for identifying hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and their severity in 2020 and 2021
Changes in Place of Death among Patients with Dementia during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: A Time Series Analysis
Coffee and green tea consumption with the risk of COVID-19 among the vaccine recipients in Japan: a prospective study
Trends in the stage distribution of colorectal cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: a nationwide hospital-claims data analysis
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer death locations in Japan: an analysis up to February 2023 on excess mortality
Effectiveness of BNT162b2 against infection, symptomatic infection, and hospitalization among older adults aged ≥65 years during the Delta variant predominance in Japan: The VENUS Study
(デルタ株流行期の高齢者における感染、症候性感染、入院に対する新型コロナワクチンBNT162b2の有効性評価: VENUS Study)
Changes in accelerometer-measured physical activity and sedentary behavior from before to after COVID-19 outbreak in workers
Variant-specific symptoms after COVID-19: a hospital-based study in Hiroshima
Effectiveness of BNT162b2 vaccine against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in children aged 5−11 years in Japan during Omicron variant predominate periods
Epidemiologic trends and distributions of imported infectious diseases among travelers to Japan before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2016 to 2021: a descriptive study
[Letter] Antibody titers after a third and fourth SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dose in Bizen City, Japan
Patient characteristics and public health office factors associated with long reporting delay of COVID-19 cases in Sapporo City, Japan
Mortality-associated Risk Factors in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Japan: Findings of the CLOT-COVID Study
(日本における入院中のCOVID-19患者の死亡予測因子:CLOT-COVID Studyからの報告)