Journal of Epidemiology


Impact Factor and more

Impact Factor

  • Impact Factor: 3.7 (2023) 3.5 without self-citation
  • Impact Factor Rank: 82.3 percentile (Q1) (2023 in "Public, environmental & occupational health")
  • 5 Year Impact Factor: 3.5 (2023)

Scopus CiteScore

  • CiteScore: 7.5 (2023)
  • CiteScore Rank: 81 percentile (2023 in "Epidemiology")

Time Indicators and Acceptance Rate

  • Time to First Editorial Decision*: 6 days (median in 2022, for rejection or peer review)
  • Time to Acceptance*: 130 days (median in 2022, for median 2 revisions)
  • Time from Acceptance to Early Publication: 20 days (median in 2022)
  • Acceptance Rate: 20% (submissions in 2022)

* Calculated for articles submitted as Original Articles, Short Communications, Reviews, Statistical Data, or Study Profiles.

Trends in Impact Factor

Year Impact Factor 5 Year Impact Factor Quartile Percentile
2023 3.7 3.5 Q1 82.3
2022 4.7 4.9 Q2 72.2
2021 3.809 4.748 Q2 57.38
2020 3.211 4.139 Q2 61.33
2019 3.691 3.529 Q1 82.64
2018 3.078 3.431 Q1 77.15
2017 2.518 3.318 Q2 68.78
2016 2.447 3.286 Q2 70.17
2015 2.546 2.799 Q1 75.43
2014 3.022 2.592 Q1 80.91
2013 2.862 2.498 Q1 82.41
2012 2.113 2.098 Q2 68.01
2011 1.858 2.025 Q2 58.54
2010 2.110 2.203 Q2 65.14
2009 1.643 1.877 Q2 50.41
2008 1.642 1.991 Q3 43.33
2007 1.906 N/A Q2 61.50
2006 1.240 N/A Q3 36.22
2005 1.247 N/A Q3 41.92