Journal of Epidemiology


Most Accessed


When and how to split the follow-up time in the analysis of epidemiological or clinical studies with follow-ups


Masao Iwagami, Miho Ishimaru, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Tomohiro Shinozaki



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  • This tutorial paper summarizes when and how to split the follow-up time in the analysis of epidemiological or clinical studies with follow-ups.
  • Typical situations to split the follow-up time include estimating the outcome incidence rate (ratio) according to specific follow-up time periods.
  • The proportional hazards assumption in Cox models can also be assessed by splitting the follow-up time.
  • This tutorial also covers the situations to deal with time-varying exposures and confounders, as well as self-controlled case-series analysis.
  • By splitting the follow-up time, the “wide-format” type data is transformed into the “long-format” type data.
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