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IEA-WP Symposium [What is expected as “Regional collaborative activities of IEA-WP region”]

Date: January 29, 2021
Venue: Online at the 31st Annual Scientific Meeting of Japan Epidemiological Association (President: Keitaro Tanaka, Saga University)

Atsushi Goto(Yokohama City University, Association of Medical Science, Graduate School of Data Science Department of Health DataScience)
Yuri Ito(Osaka Medical College, Research & Development Center, Department of Medical Statistics)

  • Introduction and Background
    Manami Inoue(Western Pacific Regional Councilor, International Epidemiological Association
    Chief, Division of Prevention, Center for Public Health Sciences, National Cancer Center, Japan)
  • China Epidemiological Association: The Current Status and Future Direction
    Siyan Zhan(Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public 
    Health, Peking University)
  • Building capacity in the epidemiological and public health workforce
    Brigid Lynch(President, Australasian Epidemiological Association)
  • Visions for International Cooperation of Korean Society of Epidemiology
    Byung Chul Chun(Chair, International Cooperation Committee, Korean 
    Society of Epidemiology
    Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine)
  • The present and future of Taiwan Epidemiological Association
    Tzu-Chieh Chou(Director, Taiwan Epidemiology Association
    Professor, Department of Public Health, China Medical University, Taiwan
  • Japan Epidemiological Association
    Tomotaka Sobue(President, Japan Epidemiological Association
    Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, OsakaUniversity)
  • Young/Early-Career Epidemiologist Network:Japan Young Epidemiologists Network
    Sayo Kawai(Assistant Professor / Lecturer 
    Department of Public Health, Aichi Medical University, School of Medicine)