Changes in Smoking Behavior Since the Declaration of the COVID-19 State of Emergency in Japan: A Cross-sectional Study From the Osaka Health App
(緊急事態宣言期間における喫煙行動の変化 大阪府健康アプリデータの分析)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2188/jea.JE20200533
Published: June 05, 2021
Authors: Shihoko Koyama, Takahiro Tabuchi, Sumiyo Okawa, Takayoshi Kadobayashi, Hisaya Shirai, Takeshi Nakatani, Isao Miyashiro
- 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴う2020年4月の緊急事態宣言期間の禁煙や喫煙本数増加といった喫煙行動の変化について大阪府の健康アプリデータを分析した。
- 緊急事態宣言期間終了直後の調査時点で、喫煙者5,120人のうち11.9%が禁煙し、 32.1%が喫煙本数を増加させていた。
- 加熱式タバコへ変更した者はタバコの種類を変更しなかった者に比較して、統計学的に有意に禁煙していなかった。
- 一人暮らしの者および在宅勤務していた者が統計学的に有意に喫煙本数を増加させていた。
Highlights in English:
- We examined the effect of the COVID-19 state of emergency on changes in smoking behavior, as determinants of both increased smoking and quitting.
- In our dataset of 5,120 smokers, 32.1% reported having increased the number of cigarettes they smoked and 11.9% reported quitting smoking after the declaration of a state of emergency in Japan.
- The smokers who changed from cigarettes to heated tobacco products were significantly less likely to quit smoking than smokers who did not change tobacco type.
- People working from home or living alone were associated with increased smoking.