
The Association of Work-related Stress According to the Demand–Control Model With Aggravation of Pre-existing Disease During the First State of COVID-19 Emergency in Japan


DOI: https://doi.org/10.2188/jea.JE20210146

Published: December 05, 2021

Authors: Yupeng He, Hiroshi Yatsuya, Chifa Chiang, Atsuhiko Ota, Ryo Okubo, Tomohiro Ishimaru, Takahiro Tabuchi


  • 第1回目の緊急事態宣言下の日本において、持病を有する労働者の11%においてその持病が悪化していた。

  • 仕事の要求度が高くコントロールが低い職業ストレスは持病の悪化と関連した。

  • 職業ストレスの高い労働者の持病が短期間で悪化するメカニズムについてはさらに研究が必要である。


  • Eleven percent of the working participants with pre-existing diseases reported disease aggravation during the first state of COVID-19 emergency in Japan.

  • Job strain, characterized by high job demand and low job control, was associated with aggravation of pre-existing disease.

  • The pathway through which aggravation of pre-existing disease might occur during a short period of time in workers with job strain need further elucidation.