

 第21回国際疫学会 若手セッション

 Early Career Epidemiologists - current activity and future development

日時 2017年8月21日(月)13:30~15:30
場所 ソニックシティ 市民ホール 4F Room D

海外:Dr Ester Villalonga Olives(Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, University of Maryland, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen)



Early Career Epidemiologists (ECE) play important role for accumulation of evidence in epidemiology as well as the development of epidemiology. The Executive Council of the IEA has affirmed its support of an international ECE group within the IEA structure in 2011 for the purpose of facilitating communication, promoting development of epidemiological methods and setting up network to enhance scientific collaboration. On the other hand, there are local ECE groups in the regions and/or countries. However, the activities conducted by the ECE groups have not been shared. There would be plenty of room for improvement in the ECE groups activity.

The aim of the session is to clarify the requirement to encourage the activity of ECE groups. Current status of ECE activities in each group will be presented in the first part of the session. What is required to promote ECE activities will be discussed among small groups of participants in the second part of the session. The result of the discussion will be summarized and presented. The discussion of the session is expected to encourage ECE activities and to facilitate communication among ECEs in the world.

座長 尾瀬功(愛知県がんセンター研究所)、Ester Villalonga Olives(Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, University of Maryland, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen)


【 スケジュール(予定) 】
13:30-13:35 開会の挨拶(尾瀬功, 愛知県がんセンター研究所)
13:35-13:50 疫学に関する若手ネットワークの世界的な現状の調査結果報告(桑原恵介, 帝京大学大学院公衆衛生学研究科)
13:50-14:05 IEA ECE (Early Career Epidemiologist)の活動内容
(Ester Villalonga Olives, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)
14:05-14:15 国別の疫学若手の会活動紹介(菊池宏幸, 東京医科大学)
14:15-14:30 質疑応答
14:30-15:25 Workshop (Group discussion)
*Goal for this workship is to identify any structural difficulties which prevent career development and to discover any helpful support or solution to overcome difficulties.
15:25-15:30 閉会の挨拶